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API Select SV 12 Compressor

500 series compressor met API's THRUST circuit


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API Select SV12 Compressor

Original compressor circuit designed for the ATI Paragon Console with API’s patented THRUST® circuit


  • Original analog compressor circuit designed for the ATI Paragon Console
  • Variable Threshold, Ratio, and Make-up Gain controls
  • Individual metering of output level and gain reduction
  • Above threshold LED indication
  • Patented THRUST® circuit
  • Switchable Hard or Soft Knee compression
  • Switchable In or Bypass mode
  • Linkable for stereo operation with true RMS power summing

The API Select SV12 features the original compressor circuit designed for the ATI Paragon live analog mixing consoles. Re-engineered for the 500 Series format, the SV12 provides comprehensive, easy-to-use compression with full LED metering of both output and gain reduction. The unit also includes API's patented THRUST circuitry which protects sensitive high frequency content of the audio signal even under the most vigorous of compression ratios. Two channels can be linked for use as a stereo compressor with true RMS power summing of the left and right signals.


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