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Arturia AudioFuse X8 OUT

ADAT naar 8 analoge uitgangen expander, incl. AudioFuse Creative Suite

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AudioFuse X8 OUT

Expand your audio experience

AudioFuse X8 OUT enhances the flexibility of your studio with 8 premium line-level outputs. Link to any ADAT-compatible audio interface and scale up monitoring, FX routing and synth control.

8 line-level analog outputs

AudioFuse X8 OUT adds 8 high-quality line outputs to existing audio interfaces, allowing you to support more complex signal routing and live setups. With the latest generation DA converters up to 96 kHz sampling rate, enhance your studio flexibility and send audio to outboard gear, monitor speakers and control an array of synths via DC-coupled output.

Main Features

  • Audio interface expander
  • 8 high quality analog outputs [1/4" TRS]
  • Latest generation DA converters up to 96 kHz
  • ADAT in
  • BNC Word clock in
  • Robust half 1-U aluminum rack chassis
  • Removable rack ears included for flexible installation
  • AudioFuse creative suite included to explore and alter your sound

Focus on making music

You're ready to capture that perfect take for an upcoming album, but your interface is maxed out. You're set to record a live band session, but the thought of constantly reconfiguring your cables is daunting.

AudioFuse X8 lets you easily add 8 additional audio channels so you can make the most of a fully-connected studio, without the cost and complexity of a fully-featured interface. AudioFuse X8's premium ADAT converters ensure every recording is crystal clear. Its compact size and versatile rack options fit perfectly into your existing setup. Front-panel controls and colorful VU meters make audio adjustment straightforward. Simply put, the AudioFuse X8 means your studio is always ready to handle more, no matter the project.

AudioFuse X8 IN & AudioFuse X8 OUT add 8 premium line-level audio channels to your ADAT-compatible interface -accommodating the needs of an evolving studio without the added cost and complexity.

AudioFuse X8 IN:
8 analog inputs to ADAT expander

Accommodate more instruments and microphone preamps and make the most of external effects processing with 8 high-quality line inputs. AudioFuse X8 IN features AD converters which are highly regarded in the industry for their exceptional sound quality, low noise and high dynamic range - so you can capture every nuance of a recording.

AudioFuse X8 OUT:
ADAT to 8 analog outputs expander

Support more complex signal routing and live setups, route external FX and control your synths via DC-coupled output with 8 high-quality line outputs. AudioFuse X8 OUT features converters which are a trusted choice for professional audio applications, offering detailed reproduction across a broad spectrum of sound levels.


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