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Burl Audio B 2 BOMBER DAC

2 kanaals DA converter


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The B2 BOMBER DAC is the result of tireless digital to analog research and development. As a result the B2 DAC features unique class-A, discrete op-amps with passive filtering. This makes the B2 DAC ideal for monitoring. Couple this with state of the art conversion technology and the B2 BOMBER DAC delivers sonic purity and dynamics thus far unheard of.

As a compliment to the B2 ADC, the B2 DAC punches you in the chest with low end while the 3D spaciality and stereo spread give you amazing detail throughout the spectrum. Add to that a sweet tone that is easy on your ears, and you have a unit that you will instantly fall in love with! Both the B2 ADC and B2 DAC feature identical, incredibly low jitter clocking, precision metering and stepped attenuators. Couple the B2 ADC with the B2 DAC and you have the B2 Bomber Master Signal Chain, a force to be reckoned with!

B2 BOMBER DAC Features:

• 44.1k Hz to 192k Hz, 24 bit, 2 channel DAC
• NextGen BOPA8 all discrete op-amps
• Passive filters
• All class-A
• Zero capacitor signal path
• Audiophile quality 6 position attenuator with standard headroom settings
• High definition metering with simultaneous RMS and peak indication
• Dante, 2 AES, SPDIF and Toslink input
• BNC word clock input with two outputs of extremely low jitter clock
• Frequency response at 48kHz sample rate is 10Hz to 22kHz, +/- 0.1dB
• Frequency response at 96kHz sample rate is 10Hz to 30kHz, +/- 0.1dB, -0.3 dB @ 40kHz
• Frequency response at 192kHz sample rate is 10Hz to 30kHz, +/- 0.1dB, -1.5 dB @ 90kHz
• 115dB Dynamic Range
• -96dB THD+N, full scale output = +22dBU
• Rugged, Made in USA design


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