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Burl Audio B 32 VANCOUVER

32 kanaals summing mixer.


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32 x 2 Mix Bus

VANCOUVER Island in Canada’s British Columbia is a lush, fertile land of epic proportions. Teaming with wildlife and forests, life thrives in a temperate climate drenched with the precipitation of the North Pacific. The city of VANCOUVER on British Colombia’s mainland is a booming metropolis at the base of the Cascade Coastal Range. Known for its mind altering substances, VANCOUVER is a hot bed for creativity.

The B32 VANCOUVER, a 32 channel mix bus, uses BURL AUDIO’s renowned, all discrete analog, class-A circuitry. The B32 Mix Bus employs both the transparency of the B26 ORCA, plus the switchable tonality of the proprietary BURL AUDIO BX5 output transformer.

In addition to the BX5, the B32 VANCOUVER introduces a new concept to the summing amplifier, GAIN BOOST. Adding GAIN BOOST to the BX5 will give your mixes that glue that you have been seeking ever since retiring your 2-track analog recorder. With 32 input channels and switchable tonality, the B32 VANCOUVER will allow your mixes to thrive in depth, warmth and clarity. Use the B32 VANCOUVER in conjunction with the B1 MIC PREs, the B80 MOTHERSHIP and the B26 ORCA and you will achieve THE COMPLETE SOLUTION.

Now with BURL NextGen Analog circuitry, the B32 VANCOUVER sounds better than ever. Featuring the NEW BOPA14 op-amps, the B32 will deliver tighter bass and higher definition throughout the audio spectrum. Instruments and mixes have a more 3D sound, with wider stereo image and even more depth while preserving the original shape and harmonic balance of the source. If you thought the current BURL Audio products sounded great, these new analog designs are sure to blow your mind.


B32 VANCOUVER Features:

• Discrete, class-A signal path
• 8 mono inputs, 24 stereo inputs
• Audiophile 0.1% stepped attenuators
• Switchable BX5 output transformer
• Summing amp GAIN BOOST
• Dual stereo outputs
• BURL NextGen Analog circuit with BOPA14 op-amps





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