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Dynaudio Acoustics MS15 Sub

Krachtige passieve subwoofer voor kleine tot middel-grote postproductie film- en televisiestudio's, geschikt voor immersieve monitoring zoals Dolby Atmos

M-series MkII - MS15 Sub

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Dynaudio Acoustics MS15

Subwoofer for small to medium sized studios


The MS15 is a high powered subwoofer for use in small to medium-sized film and television postproduction studios.

It’s suitable for immersive monitoring including Dolby Atmos HE 7.1.4 and 9.1.4.

The enclosure housing the single 15-inch driver can be configured for many different deployments – such as ceiling mounting for low-frequency support in Atmos arrays, or low profile to fit in confined spaces.


  • Application: film and television post-production
  • Type: Subwoofer
  • Frequency response: 30Hz – >500Hz
  • Maximum SPL at 1m: 128dB
  • Sensitivity: 96dB/2.83v/1m
  • Impedance: 8 Ohms
  • Driver: 380mm fibre loaded cone
  • Recommended amplifier power: 500-3000 watts
  • Cabinet dimensions (H x W x D): 774 x 500 x 550mm
  • Weight: 50kg
  • Finish: black textured paint
  • Amplifier recommendation
    Dynaudio Acoustics: DCA800 or DA40
  • Options
    Custom cabinet sizes: on request

Also in the M-series MkII:
Dynaudio Acoustics C3 MkII
Dynaudio Acoustics M1 MkII
Dynaudio Acoustics M2 MkII
Dynaudio Acoustics M3 MkII
Dynaudio Acoustics M3F
Dynaudio Acoustics M3FX centre
Dynaudio Acoustics M3FX left/right
Dynaudio Acoustics M4 MkII
Dynaudio Acoustics MF15 horizontal
Dynaudio Acoustics MF15 vertical
Dynaudio Acoustics MF30
Dynaudio Acoustics MS15 Sub
Dynaudio Acoustics MS18 Sub

Want to know more?: Dynaudio Acoustics M-series MkII

Dynaudio M-Speakers are always manufactured after the order has been received.

Dynaudio about the M-series:

When you’re the one sitting at the mix position, you know that to send a project out into the wild is to nail your colours to the mast. You’re staking your reputation on it every time. So are the artists – the ones who know their instruments and their craft as well as they know themselves (often even better). And all of you know that what goes in absolutely must come out. Perfectly.

Audio professionals at an eyebrow-raising proportion of the world’s most influential studios swear by Dynaudio Acoustics M-series main monitors. They know that when they listen – sometimes all day and long into the night, without fatigue – they’re hearing exactly what they need to hear. Mistakes, madness, moments of genius. Everything.

This range of passive monitors has been created to meet the most unreasonable demands of power, accuracy and outright SPL. It’s for two-channel work, fully immersive projects, broadcast, dubbing, big-screen... anything that requires the highest level of control.

The M-series MkII uses upgraded Dynaudio technology across the board. New crossovers, woofers, midrange drivers (Magnesium Silicate Polymer and precision-coated soft-dome versions) and the legendary Esotar 3 soft-dome tweeter mean even better clarity. So even when you’re working with a wall of sound, you’ll be able to pick out the details that matter.

Each model is available in a variety of finishes to suit your studio (you can specify custom ones too, if you’re feeling particularly fancy). And we’ll work with you to hone your room design if you’d like us to.

The M-series has been trusted for decades by Academy Award and BAFTA winners, Grammy winners, documentary makers, filmmakers and more behind the desk at studios including Abbey Road, NRG, Netflix, AIR, Quad, Pinewood, Shepperton and Disney. That’s a reputation worth listening to.


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