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Genelec UNIO Personal Reference Monitor System

Het meest nauwkeurige en draagbare monitoringsysteem, voor de ultieme combinatie van in-room monitoring en personal headphone monitoring


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Genelec UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring

UNIO Audio Monitoring Ecosystem
Bridging in-room and personal headphone monitoring

Genelec's UNIO Ecosystem gives audio engineers the ability to seamlessly navigate different monitoring options, for the flexibility to work anywhere, anytime – from stereo to immersive.

Now, with UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring (PRM), audio professionals benefit from the pinpoint accuracy of Genelec's pioneering active monitoring headphone solution.


The freedom to engineer audio anywhere

Bringing the precise resolution and adaptive power of the Genelec Smart Active Monitoring (SAM), GLM and Aural ID Technology to the engineer's fingertips, UNIO allows the rapid creation of mixes that translate with maximal consistency.

Imagine leaving the studio, putting on headphones and tapping into a listening experience that’s tightly matched to your trusted in-room SAM Monitors. The 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller – especially within the Genelec UNIO PRM solution – is uniquely positioned to offer you this ability, with the precision required to mix with confidence every time.

UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring

UNIO PRM provides powerful reference-quality audio monitoring via the Genelec 8550A Professional Reference Headphones, each of which Genelec calibrate individually at their factory in Iisalmi, Finland – carefully matching them to the 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller, for total accuracy.

This uniquely matched system represents a pioneering new active monitoring headphone solution with exceptional sonic reliability, taking the UNIO Ecosystem’s seamless bridging of in-room and personal headphone monitoring to a whole new level.

The Genelec UNIO PRM package contains:

  • 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller.
  • Factory-calibrated Reference Microphone for GLM and microphone holder.
  • USB type-C to type-C cable with type-A adapter (length 3 m).
  • Hard textile-surface carry case for 9320A.
  • 8550A Professional Reference Headphones.
  • Straight braided-surface headphone cable (3 m) and coiled extending headphone cable (5 m).
  • Alternative ear cushioning pad pair with textile surface.
  • Alternative headband lower part with textile surface.
  • Hard textile-surface carry case for 8550A and alternative soft draw-string carry pouch.







“For those seeking the ultimate combination of in-room and personal headphone monitoring, UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring and Aural ID represent the most accurate and portable monitoring system ever produced.”

Siamäk Naghian,
Managing Director


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