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Kali Audio IN 8 V2 - white

3-weg studiomonitor met een 8-inch woofer en een 4-inch midrange met een coaxiale 1-inch tweeter


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Product omschrijving

Kali Audio IN-8 V2 - white

Kali Audio's IN-8 is a 3-way studio monitor with an 8-inch woofer and a 4-Inch midrange with a coaxial 1-inch tweeter. The unique architecture of the Midrange and Tweeter eliminates off-axis lobing, giving the IN-8 an incredibly accurate, lifelike stereo image.

Project Independence

Kali’s IN-Series monitors are some of the most innovative studio monitors ever made. Combining the natural advantages of a 3-way design with hyper-realistic imaging of a co-axial mid-range and tweeter, they offer more transparency, lower distortion, and a soundstage that must be heard to be believed.

Unrivaled Punch and Detail

The IN-Series monitors are unlike anything you’ve ever heard. The three-way design lets both the woofer and the tweeter do less work, resulting in better headroom and lower distortion across the frequency spectrum.

At the same time, the coaxial architecture of the midrange and tweeter result in hyper-realistic imaging. This means that you’ll be able to hear subtle details in your mix with pinpoint precision.

The design of the system comes together to allow the IN-Series monitors to act as acoustic point sources. They enjoy all the benefits of both traditional 3-way systems and traditional coaxial speakers, with none of the drawbacks traditionally associated with either.

All of this make the IN-5 and IN-8 extremely accurate and easy to mix on. You’ll be able to work faster and with more confidence, and your mixes are going to translate to other systems with less work.




IN-8 v2




Amp Class:



DSP Functions:

Loudspeaker Tuning, Limiter, Crossover, Boundary EQ Settings

Loudspeaker Tuning, Limiter, Crossover, Boundary EQ Settings

Power Config:



LF Power:

80 W

60 W

Mid-Range Power:

40 W

40 W

HF Power:

40 W

40 W

Total Power:

160 W

140 W

LF Driver:

5" Paper

8" Paper

Mid-Range Driver:

4" Optimized Profile Paper

4" Optimized Profile Paper

HF Driver:

1-Inch Textile Dome

1-Inch Textile Dome

Freq. Response (-10 dB):

39 Hz - 25 kHz

37 Hz - 25 kHz

Freq. Range (±3 dB):

47 Hz - 21 kHz

45 Hz - 21 kHz

LF to Mid-Range Crossover:

280 Hz

280 Hz

Mid-Range to HF Crossover:

2800 Hz

2800 Hz

Recommended Listening Distance:

0.5 - 3 Meters

0.5 - 4 Meters

Max SPL:

115 dB

117 dB


15.1 Inches (38.2 cm)

17.75 Inches (45.1 cm)


11.2 Inches (28.2 cm)

11.25 Inches (28.5 cm)


8.2 Inches (20.6 cm)

10 Inches (25.4 cm)


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