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Stereo high-frequency limiter / de-esser


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High Frequency Limiter

The MDS-2 is a dual mono, linkable, high frequency limiter. It is housed in a 1U 19" rack mount alloy case. It is primarily intended for use as a de-esser, reducing unattractive high frequencies, with minimum coloration and loss of clarity. It can also replace Acceleration Limiters for vinyl disk cutting.

Automatic time constants and optimization techniques for the gain reduction minimizes the number of controls. The advantage is not only simple operation but also increased performance for highly dynamic and inconsistent materials without the need for continuous readjustments.

With wide input range, up to +29dBu input and low noise, the MDS-2 can be used in many different applications.

The side chain can be switched to M-S, which can be used to “zoom” in on high frequencies in the centre of the stereo image. With this function switched in the threshold is 6dB lower for the centre image compared to extreme left and right. The M-S function does not affect the actual audio path.

About Maselec

All Maselec products are developed by Leif Mases. His experience as a producer, recording engineer and studio owner, working with Jeff Beck, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, ABBA and others, is reflected in the operation and performance of his designs. Leif has developed a comprehensive range of high-quality analogue processors that offer precision, transparency and in some cases, program-dependent effectiveness.


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