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Peluso P 12

Gebaseerd op de legendarische C12 van AKG


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Peluso P-12

The Peluso P-12 Tube Microphone is styled after AKG's legendary C12.

Produced from 1953 to 1963, the C12 is considered one of history's finest microphones. It was one of the first condenser microphones to provide remote switching between nine polar patterns. The dual blackplate of the 34mm edge-terminated CK12 (CEK12) capsule enabled this advancement. The heart of its amplifier stage is the warm and quiet 6072A glass triode vacuum tube. The amplifier circuitry and output transformer of our P-12 have been designed to match the vintage C12. Carefully selected components, thorough testing, and attention to detail all come together in this beautiful full-bodied classic tube microphone. The P-12 faithfully reproduces the clarity, openness, and top-end air that made the C12 one of the world's finest vocal microphones!

  • Large Diaphragm Condenser
  • Edge Terminated Capsule
  • Glass 6072 A-M Vacuum Tube Amplifier Stage
  • Custom Wound Output Transformer
  • 9-Polar Patterns

Microphone kit comes as a complete system including:
P-12 Microphone, Wood Microphone Box, Power Supply, 8-Pin Screw-on Cable Assembly, Shock Mount, Locking Padded Flight Case


P-12 Technical Data

  • Capsule Type: Condenser Pressure Gradient w/ 34mm, edge terminated
  • Frequency Range: 20Hz/24Khz
  • Polar Pattern: 9 - Switchable from omni- to bi-directional
  • Sensitivity: 11 mv/pa
  • Impedance: 200 ohms
  • SPL: 138 dB
  • Equivalent Noise: 15 dB(A)
  • Tube Type: 6072A-M
  • Power Requirements: Dedicated Power Supply, 115V or 230V AC
  • Size: 45mm x 240mm
  • Weight: 750g

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