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Silvester Electronics 5312 - 500 series Mic Pre

500 series API stijl pre-amp.

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Product omschrijving

The Silvester Electronics 5312 microphone preamp is a 500 series format transformer balanced vintage style microphone preamplifier, featuring a gain of 69dB. Build with first class components such as Würth, Wima and Panasonic, this preamp also comes with an original 2520 discrete opamp! The input and output stages utilize the renown CAPI transformers. With the variable output attenuator you’ll be having tone control over the signal, when driving the preamp gain and attenuating the output at the same time without altering the output impedance. The output transformer will saturate, adding more harmonics. The 5312 is a punchy sounding preamp with a vintage tone character as found in the early 70’s and 80’s American analog consoles. The mute switch is a handy feature when changing microphones during a recording session. Simply mute the preamp while the recorder or DAW stays in recording mode, preventing any sudden pops or bangs caused by plugging or unplugging a microphone, which could harm your speakers. We offer a 5 year full warranty on all electronic parts, including the 2520 Discrete Opamp.

• Vintage Style microphone preamp
• Build with first class components for durability and reliability
• Maximum gain of 69dB
• Grayhill Stepped rotary gain switch
• Fully discrete design
• Mute switch
• 20 dB pad switch
• Phase switch
• Switchable 48V phantom power
• Variable output attenuator
• Five Full Year Warranty on all electronic parts, including switches and pots


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