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SSL Solid State Logic G-COMP

Legendarische SSL G-serie stereo bus compressor in 500-series module


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Product omschrijving

Solid State Logic G-COMP

Stereo Bus Compressor Module


Glueing mixes together for 40+ years

The legendary sound of the SSL Stereo Bus Compressor has been glueing mixes together for 40+ years. Often imitated but never equaled, the centre section compressor from the 1980's Solid State Logic G-Series analogue console is an audio production legend. It is a simple unit with a simple purpose; it makes complete mixes sound bigger, with more power, punch and drive.

Turns a mix into a record

The Stereo Bus Compressor brings cohesion and strength to your mix unlike any other processor. To this day it remains a key element of the SSL sound and has become not just a tool for production but a part of top engineers and producers creative process.  


Key Features:

Legendary SSL G Series Stereo Bus Compressor

THE glue and punch maker

Additional compression ratio settings 1.5 / 3 / 10

Renowned ‘Auto’ release

HPF in sidechain switchable to 30Hz / 60Hz / 106Hz / 125Hz / 185Hz

Sidechain In / Out switch



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