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SSL Solid State Logic SiX

6-kanaals SuperAnalogue™ desktop mengpaneel voor studio, stage of waar dan ook


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Solid State Logic SiX


Legendary SSL studio tools redefined and streamlined

To the casual observer SiX looks like any other compact desktop mixer. Look a little closer and like all SSL consoles, SiX reveals a carefully considered feature set that is driven by an obsessive desire for total flexibility, to encompass every creative eventuality. It may be small but SiX is a classic SSL design. It carries the DNA of 40 years of true expertise in creative studio workflow. Listen to SiX and you will experience the impeccable sonic performance that is the hallmark of every SSL console. It is powerful and intuitive. Inspired and rewarding.

SiX is a condensed professional console for use in the studio, in post-production, on stage, and for podcasting. SiX offers big console sound and an impressive set of utility features in a format that is small enough to stick in a bag and go wherever you need it. SiX is stunning value; it offers two recording channels with SuperAnalogueTM mic pres, two band EQ, an essential one knob version of the classic SSL Channel Compressor, a new two-band Channel EQ, inserts and 100mm faders.

There is a two-knob version of the legendary G-Series Bus Compressor on the main mix bus and the unique Listen Mic Compressor on the Talkback. In mixdown mode it is a very capable twelve channel summing system that offers analogue detail, depth and width to your mixes.

The SuperAnalogue™ Sound of SSL

SiX is an SSL SuperAnalogue™ design – it gives you the sonic signature of a large format SSL console on your desktop or in your backpack. Its signal path is fully balanced from front to back on everything except the headphone output. It delivers pristine, detailed audio with wide dynamic range, ultra-low noise, ultra-low distortion and superb imaging. If you want to know more about the technical reasons why SSL mixers sound so good read SSL’s Lifting The Veil document.

Key Features:

A fully professional condensed console for use in the studio, in post-production, on stage, and for podcasting.

Benchmark SuperAnalogue™ audio performance: ultra low noise - ultra-low distortion

Stunning Record Path: two SSL console grade SuperAnalogue mic pre’s

Classic SSL Channel Processing: essential versions of SSL Channel EQ and Dynamics

The unique Listen Mic Compressor: nothing slams drums quite like it!

Professional Routing & Monitoring: the hidden versatility of truly professional features

12 Input Summing at Mixdown: 12 line level inputs with channel and Master Bus inserts

Also available: Solid State Logic BiG SiX


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