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SSL Solid State Logic VHD+ Pre

500-series microfoon voorversterker met de veelzijdige VHD preamptechnologie van SSL’s Duality console

VHD+ Pre

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Solid State Logic VHD+ Pre Module


Ultra-clean to heavy distortion...You decide

The VHD+ Pre Module for the popular 500 format modular rack platform makes the uniquely versatile VHD based preamp technology from Duality, SSL's industry leading large format studio console, available for studios of all sizes. The VHD+ Pre module is an immensely versatile recording and processing device. It can deliver ultra clean SSL SuperAnalogueTM grade recordings but also features a switchable VHD mode. SSL's patented Variable Harmonic Drive (VHD) system uses a 100% analogue signal path to generate rich harmonic distortion.

Increase VHD input gain and the Variable Harmonic Drive process introduces either 2nd or 3rd harmonic distortion or a blend of the two to your source material. At lower gain settings it adds gentle valve-style warmth or a touch of transistor edge. As the gain is increased the more extreme the distortion becomes, until at high gain settings it delivers fierce trashy transistoresque grunge.

The VHD+ Pre module gives the user ultimate versatility from a studio grade preamp. Whether it's ultra-clean traditional SSL, subtle warming or totally trashy transistor distortion, VHD will change your expectations of what a preamplifier should deliver.


Key Features:

SSL SuperAnalogueTM grade preamp

2nd order harmonics (valve warmth to extreme distortion)

3rd order harmonics (transistor edge to totally trashed)

Absolute control via 2nd and 3rd order harmonic blend

Variable Harmonic Drive (VHD) in/out switch

Switch-able LF Filter

+48V phantom power

Phase invert switch

PAD switch

Hi-Z switch



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