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Tree Audio 3 in the Tree Mono

Modulaire desktop channel strip met drie 500-serie slots

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Tree Audio 3 in the Tree Mono

Configure your ultimate channel strips in a compact desktop design

The Tree Audio 3 in the Tree Mono is a modular channel strip with three 500 series slots, selectable linear fader or 24-position stepped potentiometer and insert switch. The 3 in the Tree Mono uses all-discrete Inward Connections VF600 amp blocks and Cinemag custom transformers. Each of the 500 modules can be bypassed individually thanks to its local switching. The insert switch lets you add additional equipment across the final output for further tweaking.


Key Features:

  • Holds 3 - 500 series modules (modules not included)
  • Full featured custom meter module (included) VU and PEAK
  • Selectable linear fader or 24 position stepped potentiometer (1% resistors in 3 dB steps for final output)
  • Bypass any or all modules with local switching
  • Insert switch (insert additional equipment across final output)
  • Headphone out (mono) level and mute control
  • All discrete Inward Connections VF600 amp blocks
  • Cinemag custom transformers
  • External linear power supply
  • Hand built in the USA


See also: Tree Audio 3 in the Tree Stereo


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