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Triad Orbit T 1

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Product omschrijving

Triad Series T1 Short Tripod Stand

T1 short stands are perfect for low-profile mic, camera, and light placement.
Audio application examples: back-line amp mic, music stand.
Video application examples: Rolling TV monitor.


Designed to be used where low-profile and small-footprint stands are needed. As with all Triad-Orbit stands, applications are virtually limitless depending on your need. Couple the T1 with other Triad-Orbit products for the following example applications:

  • drum mic placement (couple with Orbit booms, IO-Vector, IO-C, for kick, snare, tom, or hi hat use)
  • music stands (couple with IO-Desk for seated musicians)
  • tilt-back amp stand/mic combo (couple with an O1 boom and M2 or M3 to close mic a combo amp)
  • dual back-line amp micing (couple with O2 and M1 or M2 for micing 2 back line amps)
  • Low profile beauty light (couple with O1 boom)
  • B-roll camera (couple with Orbit boom, M2 and 1/4ADA)
  • Refer to the Triad-Orbit Systems Building Guide for more potential applications.
  • New No-drop base

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