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Trident Audio Developments Trident 78 Console

Analoge Split/Inline recording console met individuele kanalen in 4-weg panelen; 16-, 24- of 32-kanaals en met een LED of optionele VU meterbrug voor de ingangskanalen

TAD-78-16-LED, TAD-78-16-VU, TAD-78-24-LED, TAD-78-24-VU, TAD-78-32-LED, TAD-78-32-VU

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Product omschrijving

Trident Audio Developments Trident 78 Console

Trident 78 Console – 16 Channel LED Meter Bridge / Trident 78 Console – 16 Channel VU Meter Bridge
Trident 78 Console – 24 Channel LED Meter Bridge / Trident 78 Console – 24 Channel VU Meter Bridge
Trident 78 Console – 32 Channel LED Meter Bridge / Trident 78 Console – 32 Channel VU Meter Bridge

The Trident 78 consoles are descended from the famed 80B consoles and remain true to their original ideal, providing the legendary Trident sound and features as competitively as possible. The 78’s are Split/lnline consoles with individual channels in 4-way panels. Using an 8 subgroup configuration and incorporating 6 Aux sends, its routing options are vast and simple to use. Connections are fast and easy with DB-25’s throughout the board and XLR’s for Master and Main outputs. With the 80B EQ at its core, including selectable channel inserts and discrete preamps driving the inputs, the Trident 78 consoles offer a wide array of summing and mixing options. The uncompromised sonic quality and compact footprint of the 78’s is able to meet any demand.

Features found throughout the 78 make for a straightforward and powerful package, but paramount to all else is The Sound. Among the many styles, preferences and methods of recording exists the expectation that a board must have the ability to be pushed hard and sound big. This is a hallmark of the series 80 consoles and the 78 carries that tradition forward.

Modularity Throughout

The 78’s by design are manufactured to be a more cost effective variant of the fully modular 88’s. Incorporating a similar chassis design and the same meter bridge, the 78’s have a rugged and proven core. Using a simi-modular design the 78’s are able to effectively reduce their overall costs without a significant sacrifice to serviceability.

  • All input channels are individual boards, faders included, each in a 4 channel panel.
  • Subgroups are individual boards, faders included, each in a 4 channel pack.
  • Master Channel is an individual channel separated from all others.

Available in either 16, 24 or 32 channel formats with LED or optional VU metering for the input channels and VU metering as standard for the master outputs.

Check Trident's 78 Console product page for all info, options and downloads.

Download the Trident 78 Owners Manual here.




See also the other Trident Audio Developments consoles on our website:
Trident 68 Console  /  Trident 88 Console


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