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WesAudio ngLeveler

16 kanaals digitaal bestuurde line level automatisering.

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16-channel next generation automation system

ngLEVELER – “Next generation Leveler” is analog automation system with convenient features for better studio integration. Besides its automation engine it also brings analog saturation per each channel which helps tracks to get more presence in the mix. ngLEVELER doesn’t have any controls, it is either managable via:
– DAW Plug-in
– HUI controller
– Or both

This approach gives us very convenient fader control with true total recall system via DAW plug-in. ngLEVELER was created to become studio centerpiece, and because of its simple analog connectivity it can be used in many applications!




ngLEVELER – “Next generation Leveler”

  • 16 channels of analog automation with total recall
  • +25dBu(IN) / +28dBu(OUT) of headroom
  • 6dB passive attenuator (PAD)
  • Very low noise and distortion – THD+N < 0.01%
  • MUTE and SOLO
  • HUI controller integration
  • 16 channels of Proprietary THD
  • IN and OUT (before and after signal leveling) metering
  • Flexible DAW/Live plug-in
  • DB-25 analog connectivity
  • Ethernet or USB


Regardless its digital control features, ngLeveler is fully analog unit.

Dedicated plugin control allows to recall and automate your analog signals with ease!

1. Opposite quad channel link: This functionality links two stereo channels in an opposite way, it means that by pushing level of channel 1 & 2, channel 3 & 4 signal will be lowered by the same amount, perfect solution to drive our stereo analog units maintaining the same signal level.


MUTE – channel is muted.
SOLO – Any channel with solo active will pass the signal with full processing
unless it is not explicitly muted. Hitting solo on particular channel will
also mute all other channels unless solo or solo safe is not engaged.


Trim mode allows us to change level of each channel on top of already setup Faders. Trim faders also work in very high resolution as whole TRIM fader work in limited scale -10dB to +5dB. Such approach gives us few important benefits.



I’m sure all of us wanted to use different device settings based on song section. Now it is possible! Just draw automation lines in your DAW and your analog device will follow!

And remember, you can use your HUI controller to record automation TO your DAW


1. Summing stage automation

ngLEVELER can be integrated in any spot in analog chain which requires signal level management or automation. One of such situation is level management or automation of signal which goes out from our outboard gear to the summing stage. This gives us few very important benefits:

POST Compression automation or level management – changing signal level which goes out from our converter (DAW automation) will cause our compressor to behave differently. This makes it impossible to automate, and is quite problematic situation to handle even with simple signal level balance changes. In this setup we can keep our summing stage signal level at same level, and leave automation and signal level management to ngLEVELER so it can be easily recalled upon session load!
OUT signal management and automation – all outboard gear have a sweet spot which usually depends on a signal level which comes in. In most cases we don’t want to automate signal going in, but signal which goes out from the device. With ngLEVELER we can easily manage this signal:
not to clip next analog stage,
Or automate it when needed!


1.1. Example 1 – Summing automation/level management





1.2. Example 2 – Summing mixer/Console insert points automation







1.3. Example 3 – Summing mixer/Console groups insert points automation







2. Any analog outboard automation

In this particular example, ngLEVELER is integrated between each analog outboard process input, and output, of course it can be configured only to output, or only to input if needed. ngLEVELER allows us to work with very hot signals where many audio interfaces can’t deal with. Benefits:

Precise level management of signal going IN and OUT,

High level signal support of outboard OUT signal (ngLEVELER +24dBU and 6dB PAD) allows us to properly tune signal going in to our A/D converter.






3. Analog outboard drive

In this scenario we can configure our stereo processing before and after outboard gear, and link those channels in an opposite way. So while increasing level on the input of our outboard processor, it will automatically decrease on its output before hitting further stage. So we can easily find a sweet spot of our processor which can be fairly high for some vintage gear.





4. Recording session management

Studios of each size need some centerpiece which will help to manage recording and mixing session. Using ngLeveler in such situations, allows to precisely set levels which will hit A/D converter, add some analog saturation, and using “Solo and Mute” buttons manage our sessions with ease. Benefits:

Signal level management going IN to A/D converter, with ngLEVELER 6dB PAD and +24dBu of headroom, it is very easy to support very hot signals coming from our microphone preamplifiers.

Each session level signals can be easily recall upon session load!



Main features summary:

  • 16 channels of analog automation with total recall
  • +25dBu(IN) / +28dBu(OUT) of headroom
  • 6dB passive attenuator (PAD) for better integration with high level signals
  • Very low noise and distortion – THD+N 0.01%
  • MUTE and SOLO for each channel
  • HUI controller integration
  • 16 channels of Proprietary THD
  • IN and OUT (before and after signal leveling) metering fully integrated with DAW plug-in
  • Flexible DAW/Live plug-in control for instant recall
  • DB-25 analog connectivity
  • Management via Ethernet or USB
  • Fully digitally controlled and isolated analog circuit,
  • Full automation record via HUI
  • Free software and firmware upgrades


  • THD+N(20Hz-20kHz)at 0dBu < 0.008%
  • Freq response0-250kHz (-3dB)
  • Input impedance> 10kohm
  • Output impedance< 50ohm
  • Crosstalk> 100dB
  • Max input level+25dBu
  • Max output level+28dBu
  • Dynamic range> 118dB
  • Hardware Digital resolution~2500 steps per channel*

*DAW, or HUI controller may support lower resolution, in that case it will translate to lower number of HW steps.


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