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WesAudio Rhea |  LPA special

500 serie stereo vari-mu tube compressor met mix control, sidechain filters en ondersteuning voor ng500-compatibel chassis

500 series

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Product omschrijving

WesAudio _RHEA

Where modern age meets vintage

Stereo vari-mu tube compressor with digital recall

Since digital footprint became part of the modern age, analog flavor was demanded more than ever. It is hard to imagine more musical and rich sounding compression than vari-mu desgin. This time ng500 line presents _RHEA – most noble of all, where modern age meets vintage, literally.

Regardless its digital control features, _RHEA is fully analog unit.

Audio signal is processed only via analog components!

Main Features:

  • 100% analog device with +24dBu of headroom
  • True stereo tube “vari-mu” style compressor
  • High voltage tube operation
  • Interstage CARNHILL transformers
  • Input and output level control for maximum flexibility
  • Mix knob for parallel compression
  • THD – harmonic distortion with two modes (Medium & High)
  • SIDE CHAIN FILTERS – 3 high pass filters at 60,90 and 150 Hz
  • 500 series and ng500 (e.g. _TITAN) series compatible
  • Total Recall and plugin control compatible with most DAWs.
  • Analog automation in DAW

Other features:

  • Fully digitally controlled and isolated analog circuit,
  • Digital recall can be acheived by connecting unit directly through front panel mini USB socket, or using it inside _TITAN chassis,
  • 4 touch sensitive encoders allow record automation of particular parameters (Threshold, Mix, Input, Output) in DAW,
  • True bypass,
  • Accurate analogue GR meter and its precise simulation implemented in the plug-in itself,
  • Free software and firmware upgrades.

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